
Tree Fertilization Timing

12 months ago

Tree Fertilization Timing

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Most trees outlive people and some can live for centuries; therefore, knowing the appropriate timing and method of tree fertilization is important for our enjoyment and for the benefit of future generations.

People with yards full of beautiful flowers and trees are fortunate; trees provide shade in summer, evergreens provide shelter against cold winter winds, and all plants bring beauty and tranquility. Trees, like other plants, need sunlight and an adequate water source to stay healthy. Sometimes, when they come under attack by insects, they need pruning and treatment. Just as plants need fertilizer to grow, trees also require specific nutrients. Although trees are hardy, this doesn’t preclude the need for nutrients. Fertilizing provides essential nutrients to trees, supports their growth, and contributes to their overall health and vitality

Reasons for Tree Fertilization

Many believe that since trees in the forest grow without fertilizer, the trees in their yards or gardens should as well. However, the difference lies in the fact that forest trees constantly receive nutrients from decaying leaves, other plant matter, and organisms, whereas yard or garden trees do not. Therefore, it’s up to you to ensure proper fertilization for your trees. Like any other plant, if left to their own devices, trees may not receive all the necessary nutrients for growth. Soils vary in their ability to provide ideal conditions for plant growth, and without proper nourishment, trees are susceptible to insect attacks, diseases, and weed growth.

Of course, not all trees need fertilizing. Newly planted or young trees shouldn’t be fertilized in their first growing season until their roots have had a chance to establish themselves. Also, trees with damaged roots due to transplantation or construction should not be fertilized, as they need time to reconstruct their root system.

Fertilization Needs of Different Trees

1-Fertilizing Hardwood Trees

Different types of hardwood trees require various fertilization methods. Oak trees, for example, should be fertilized with a solid fertilizer containing iron and zinc when the tree is between 3 to 5 years old. Mature oak trees usually need fertilization once a year. The outward appearance of ash trees can indicate whether they need fertilization;If deciduous trees grow more than 15 centimeters, their soil is good, but if their growth is less than 5 centimeters, they need fertilization. Ash trees respond well to nitrogen fertilizers and slow-release fertilizers.

بهترین زمان برای کوددهی درختان

2-Fertilizing Fruit Trees: Having the right amount of fertilizer for fruit trees is crucial as fruit production requires a lot of energy. Since even a slight imbalance in soil nutrient content can alter fruit quality, conducting a soil test before fertilizing fruit trees is essential. To maintain optimal health, feed your fruit trees with nitrogen fertilizer and annually apply foliar spray.

3-Fertilizing Ornamental Trees: Ornamental trees with healthy foliage and significant growth throughout the year usually don’t need fertilization. However, if they didn’t grow well the previous year, it’s time to give them some nitrogen fertilizer. If your ornamental trees have yellowing leaves, they may suffer from a condition called chlorosis, which usually indicates insufficient magnesium and iron in the soil around the tree.

4-Fertilizing Evergreen Trees: Evergreen trees, especially newly grafted ones, don’t grow very fast. The best way to determine whether evergreen plants need fertilizer is if the tree doesn’t flower or if the leaves have a dull color. Evergreen plants perform best when using complete fertilizers containing nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K).

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Tree Fertilization Timing


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Is it possible to test Arezouye Bahar products?

For this purpose, please raise your challenges for buying products by calling the company’s phone and consulting with experienced experts of Arezouye Bahar, so that full guidance can be provided.

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The large factory of Arezouye Bahar is located in Qazvini province and near Bouin Zahra in order to produce solid and liquid organic fertilizers.

In order to carry out this analysis, you must first collect your samples according to the necessary standards and then send them to the laboratory of Arezouye Bahar Factory.

Yes; The experts of Arezouye Bahar company are with the farmer from the pre-purchase stage to the time of harvest, so that the gardens and farms have the highest level of productivity.

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